On the second visit, Dr. Williams Chiropractic Office will perform a "Report of Findings," which will answer the following five
(5) questions:
1. What Is Wrong With My Body?
2. What Must I Do To Regain My Health?
3. Can Chiropractic Care Help Me Regain My Health?
4. How Long Will It Take For Me To Regain My Health?
5. How Much Will My Chiropractic Treatment(s) Cost?
During the "Report of Findings," Dr. Williams Chiropractic Office will review the following with you:
1. The Reason(s) You Scheduled An Appointment With Dr. Williams Chiropractic Office.
2. Normal & Abnormal Findings Of Your Orthopedic & Neurological Examination.
3. Recommendation(s) For Physical Therapy (Ice, Heat and/or Ultra Sound).
4. Nutritional Recommendation(s).
5. Mis-Alignment(s) Correction Via Spinal Adjustments To Re-Establish Proper Communication Between The
Brain, Spinal Cord, Cell(s), Tissues & Organs.
6. The Approximate Cost Of Your Chiropractic Care To Regain & Maintain Your Health.
After the "Report of Findings" the patient will begin their chiropractic treatment(s) program which consist of :
1. Physical Therapy - To relieve/reduce muscle spasms as well as nerve irritation/inflammation
2. Spinal Adjustment - Correction of mis-alignment(s) to establish/re-establish proper communication between the brain, spinal
cord, cell(s), tissues & organs.